Friday, September 26, 2008

Update Beck Spoon MGMT Concert

So I have alot alot to update, including hauls, concerts [(Beck, Spoon, MGMT) they were AMAZING!!!! I'll post pictures up soon], food recipes, everything it seems. I'm really sorry I've just been so busy with school and life in general that I have not had time to post, but I will make an effort to do so.

Two days ago, I met this really nice elderly Japanese woman (she's 88 years old!) who lives across the street from the apartment I'm renting from. I found out that her husband died 20 years ago and she lives alone, with no kids or any family or relatives left. I felt really bad because she told me she was lonely, so I went over and brought some chicken noodle soup that I made (Im a vegetarian so I couldn't taste it, I just followed the recipe adding less sodium). Well basically it's a long story but PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR PARENTS IN A NURSING HOME if it can be helped. She's 88 years old and she's still quite sane and nowhere near senile, but I have worked and volunteered in nursing homes in the past and it's really quite tragic there. Some people keep waiting until the holidays when their loved ones will arrive, and when they do not, they pass away.

I've been super busy I did not even have time to look at other blogs I've been dying to see.

I hope you all will have a wonderful wonderful weekend. :) Take care and smile! You are beautiful.


Tracy Roa September 26, 2008 at 12:01 PM  

Nice to have you back! I think it's really sweet what you did for that lady. I used to do a lot of volunteer work in high school at this nursing home that was just down the street from my school. It saddens me that a lot of elderly people end up in care homes, which is why I decided to volunteer. I enjoyed my time there, and it was definitely worth it to be able to lift their spirits.

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